THE CONCEPT OF UTILITY. ELEMENTARY TREATMENT OF UTILITY THEORY. At the end of this post, you should be able to: Explain the concept of total, average and marginal utility. Demonstrate knowledge of the principles of utility maximization and diminishing marginal utility. Explain why the demand curve is downward sloping. In economics, utility is typically treated as a subjective measure that varies from person to person. It represents the preferences and values judgments of individuals. The utility is often used to explain and predict consumer behaviour and choices. The concept of utility is closely related to the theory of marginal utility, which suggests that the additional satisfaction or benefit a person derives from consuming an additional unit of a good or service decreases as the person consumes more of it. This idea is captured by the law of diminishing marginal utility, which states that as a person consumes more of a good, the marginal utility of each additional unit decreases. Economists use the concept of utility to analyze and model consumer decision-making. They assume that individuals make choices to maximize their utility, subject to constraints such as income and prices. For example, when faced with different options, a rational consumer would choose the option that provides the highest utility or satisfaction. The utility is often measured in utils, which are hypothetical units of satisfaction or happiness. However, a utility cannot be directly observed or measured, so economists rely on various techniques, such as surveys and experiments, to estimate individuals\’ utility functions and preferences. It\’s important to note that utility is a subjective concept and can vary greatly between individuals. What provides high utility to one person may not necessarily provide the same level of utility to another person. Furthermore, the utility can also be influenced by factors such as personal tastes, cultural norms, and individual circumstances. Overall, the concept of utility provides a framework for understanding and analyzing individual preferences and decision-making in economics and decision theory. It helps economists and policymakers study how individuals allocate their resources and make choices in order to maximize their well-being. FF\"CONCEPT


Definition: Utility may be defined as the satisfaction that a consumer derives from consuming a commodity or service at any particular time. In other words, utility refers to the amount of satisfaction a person derives from the consumption of a commodity or service at any given time. It should be noted that any commodity or service that possesses utility is useful to the consumer. The usefulness of a commodity is a relative term, meaning that what is useful to Mr A may not be useful to Mr B. Utility is therefore relative to a consumer and the variations among the individuals or consumers depend on time, place and form. Thus, utility, which is the capacity of a commodity or service to satisfy a human want, depends on time, place and form.

            TYPES OF UTILITY

    • Form utility: Form utility refers to the change in the form or structure of a commodity during its manufacturing process in order to increase its utility.
For example, a change in the form of raw cotton to a clothing material. Cotton in its raw form does not give satisfaction until it is changed to a clothing material.
For example, cattle are mainly reared in the North where it has little utility but transported to the South where it has higher utility.
a particular commodity at a given time. All goods produced do not give satisfaction same time. Some products have to be stored and released later in create higher utility on them, especially when their price increases.
    • Total Utility: Total utility refers to the amount of satisfaction a consumer derives the consumption of a commodity at a particular time.
In other words, it refers to the amount of satisfaction derived from all the units of a commodity consumed at a particular. As a consumer uses more and more of a commodity, its utility increases until it gets to a maximum point. formula of concept of utility total utility (TU) = Average utility x Quantity consumer concept of utility
    • Marginal Utility (MU): Marginal utility refers to the additional satisfaction derived by consuming an extra unit of a commodity. There is therefore a change in the total utility as a result the consumption of additional unit of a commodity.
In other words, it measures to which the consumers’ total satisfaction would be increased if he went ahead to consume an additional unit of the commodity. Average utility (AU): Average utility refers to the satisfaction that a consumer derives per unit of a commodity consumed. Average utility, represented graphically, is derived by dividing the total utility by the number of commodities consumed. This is reflected in this formula: The total utility, marginal utility and average utility can easily be related via a simple calculation using their formulae and a schedule as shown in
Total, average and marginal utility schedule as a concept of utility
Quantity of goods consumed Total Utility Average utility Marginal utility
1 2 3 4 5 8 14 18 22 25 8 7 6 5.5 5 – 6 4 4 3
There is a unique relationship between total utility (TU) and marginal utility (MU). Their relationship can be summarized in the following ways: The Marginal utility begins to fall right after the first unit of the commodity has been consumed and continues to diminish until it reaches zero and below. In contrast, however, total utility increases right from the first unit consumed although the increase is small for every extra unit consumed At the point where the marginal utility reaches zero, i.e. where the MU curve cuts the x-axis, total utility reaches its maximum point. This point is called the saturation point. When the marginal utility becomes negative, the total utility begins to fall and when the MU curve descends below the x-axis, the TU curve begins to slope downwards.
 Total utility and marginal utility schedule
Units Consumed Total Utility Marginal utility
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 16 20 23 25 22 17 10 6 4 3 2 -3 -5
    1. scale of preference
  1.  building
    1. budgeting
    1. factors affecting the expansion of industries
    1. mineral resources and the mining industries